Jika Anda ingin mem beli Sylenth1
Kamu produser musik cari vst ini kemana-mana tapi gak nemuin? disini saja Tested Works in Windows! FL Studio 10, 11, 12, or other DAW BONUS : 130 over Soundset! *Cek Etalase Kami untuk produk lainnya* LUCKY BONUS Untuk 30 pembeli pertama : +HARDWELL Sylenth Soundset - Alonso +Resonance - Sound Sylenth1 - Electro House Vol.1 +Vandalism - Shocking Progressive House 3 SoundBank +Vandalism - Shocking Sounds 18 & yang berbeda dengan store lain?? Lisensi SYLENTH1 di De_Blanco ini bisa diatas namakan pembeli, Terdapat tata cara menginstall di dalam CD Introduction Sylenth1 is a virtual analog VSTi synthesizer that takes the definitions of quality and performance to a higher level. Until now only very few software synthesizers have been able to stand up to the sound quality standards of hardware synths. Sylenth1 is one that does. Sylenth1 is not just another synth. It was built from a producer's point of view. It was built to produce superior quality sound and music. It was built to perform. A lot of research has been invested in order to achieve unheard warmth and clarity. The graphical interface ensures the highest level of usability so you can fully unleash your creativity. FEATURES : + Oscillators + Filters + Modulation + Master FX : Arpeggiator, Distortion, Phaser, Chorus/Flanger, Equalizer Delay, Reverb, Compressor Performance With all the functionality and processing horsepower mentioned above, you might expect that this synth would max out even the fastest CPU in no-time, especially considering the high sound quality of each single voice and effect. Well, one of the many benefits of this synth is that it doesn't. It uses highly optimized code and SSE instructions in order to reduce the CPU usage to a minimum. It will also automatically turn off any parts that are not used, to save extra CPU time. This enables you to create pure quality sound using only minimal system resources.
Berat 70gr
Harga Rp40,000.00
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