Jika Anda ingin mem beli FILTER UDARA RACING APEX original ALL NEW AVANZA
Air Filter Racing Replacement Air Filter Racing Replacement memiliki bentuk yang identik dengan filter original mobil sehingga pemakaian Air Filter Racing Replacement tidak akan membuat garansi pada mobil anda hangus Menyaring semua partikel debu sampai yang terkecil sekalipun Mengalirkan udara ke mesin 10 kali lebih banyak sehingga pembakaran pada ruang mesin menjadi sempurna APEX Racing Air Filter believes in quality and performance. APEX Racing Air Filter Air Filter Element uses Japan's highest grade Stainless Steel for our filter element. The uniform microscopic holes on APEX Racing Air Filter wire mesh ensures very consistent filtration and airflow. Thus allowing engines to breathe better as compared to the inconsistent airflow of cotton/foam filter. With a simple APEX Racing Air Filter panel filter, you can expect a decent horse power gain from mid to high RPM. Acceleration is smoother and faster. The feeling is like changing to an open pod air filter. APEX Racing Air Filter filter will still deliver its promised filtration without compromise under extreme temperature. The filter element is strong and will not be easily shifted even under extreme pressure. Air Filter Racing Benefit More Power Smoother Acceleration Increase in power due to higher air flow. Significant mid to high end torque gain Prolong Lifespan Of MAF Sensor Lesser contamination of MAF sensor Easiest To Maintain No oiling needed, just wash and blow dry Longer Lasting, More Durable Than Other Leading Brands Element made from Stainless Steel, frame made from high quality treated rubber. Will not melt or warp under extreme heat. Fully LTA Compliant Fitting APEX Racing Air Filter air filters will not affect the structural integrity of the vehicle The air intake system of any combustion engine is very critical. A well designed air intake system will give the best performance in low, mid and high-end torque.
Berat 300gr
Harga Rp350,000.00
Untuk Pemesanan FILTER UDARA RACING APEX original ALL NEW AVANZA silahkan hubungi :
SMS/WA/Line 0812 1775 4075
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